Friday, 28 August 2009

Unreal Tournament 3. Give it a try!

I've recently been playing this game quite a bit, before I upgraded my graphics I didn't so much due to it being so laggy. Now I can have the graphics maxed at 1440 x 900, it truly is an amazing game.

Firstly, I will start with the bad points and the major one is the campaign, it's just a complete waste of time, you might as well setup a quick match with some bots, that's all it is. But we all know this game isn't about some shitty campaign, multiplayer is where it's at. A part from that, I can't really say much more about it that disappoints me that much.

When I was at the breach of buying this game, I firstly read up some reviews and asked around on peoples views. The most common answer was it was just a graphically enhanced UT 2004. At first I can kinda see why, similar gameplay and the mods that came out for UT 2004 came with what you got in UT3 like the vehicles, hoverboard etc... But not exactly all.

After some thought I left it for a while which was a mistake and what I leaned was to not always rely on peoples opinions. Eventually, I ended up looking back at trailers, gameplay videos, reviews etc... I looked around for decent prices until I seen a free weekend on Steam, which allowed me to download the game free (legally) on Steam and play it for the weekend.

Now I didn't exactly get a good play time since the download was something like 7 or so GB and the Steam servers were at max capacity which made the download speeds unbearable, we're looking at 100 - 150 kb max. After long hours of downloading, I finally get a chance to see what this game had to offer, and quite frankly, I was gob smacked. Even though I was playing at mostly low settings at 800 x 600, I still had a great experience. Amazing gtaphics, awesome vehicles, beautiful maps and you was constantly on the go. Mayhem and pure action was always around the corner.

Obviously, after playing it during the free weekend I went ahead and brought it. Played it on and off while I had the laptop then the laptop died, not sure why, think the CPU finally died. Anyways, brought a new PC, not exactly brilliant but I knew upgrading wouldn't be a problem, especially the graphics card which is now a ATI 4850 1GB. I fucking love it, plays every game at highest settings at 1440 x 900 4 x AA, even Crysis!

Yay! So now I have a half decent system which plays anything well, including UT3 which works flawlessly and looks fantastic. I've always wanted to see the Unreal Engine 3's true colors and they are extremely impressive. UT3 game experience completely changed and has made this even more worth the while. I love it!

For you who are thinking about giving this game a try then all I can see is go ahead, give it a bash. It might surprise you.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Fifa 09 glitch or is it?

I decided to start a new season the other day and some of you who have played may already know that it gives you the option to add your custom made players to your team.

I added 1 of them which was the first one I created a while ago. After a few games, say about 6 - 8, I go to check out the player growth. I like to leave it on auto-growth and every now and then I will see what points are going because it doesn't always use them all up.

So, I see what I got and most of the other players already in the squad have around 200 - 300 points, however, I go to see what the custom player has got and he's only got over 950,000 SKILL POINTS!!!!...

I had to look at it twice to believe it. I've never seen so many points, highest I seen was about 70,000 but that was after a few seasons with all the staff upgrades up to 10.

Now I have no way glitched this on purpose or cheated or whatever in anyway. I seriously don't know why it's done this.