Thursday, 29 October 2009

Christmas Wishlist.

Christmas seems to be right around the corner as I'm already seeing adverts and even decorations here and there for Christmas. It's all very good but people are so impatient these days.

Anyways, there isn't really anything I want badly, a part from Fifa 2010. :) Everything else is just something I'd like and won't care if I get it or not.

1. Fifa 2010
2. Forza Motorsports 3
3. Borderlands
4. Left 4 dead 2
5. Some new shoes, all mine are starting to look a state.
6. More jeans perhaps. Only own about 4 or 5 pairs.
7. I might be needing a new wireless adapter for my PC as the one I got now I knocked with my foot by accident which has made it lose so every now and then it cuts off.
8. Obviously, a DX11 graphics card would be nice but I can wait as I'm quite with my 4850.

That's about it for now.