Sunday, 12 June 2011

Favourite Parts of E3

This years E3 wasn't anything special, the WiiU didn't wow me and the conferences were quite boring. Luckily, we had games like Skyrim which made my jaw go through the floor and BF3 which didn't have the same effect but was still well worth the watch.

Battlefield 3 - Limited EditionSkyrim, jaw droppingly brilliant, I think I must've watched the demo about 3 -4 times, it's that good. The dragons I think are the main talking point for this game and why not, they are the best dragons I've ever seen in a game and they look awesome. These are non-scripted free roaming creatures that can appear from nowhere. For example, during the demo gameplay, they were walking with these huge giants and mammoths then all of a sudden a dragon swoops down, picks up a giant and throws him across the field. What also impressed me about this game was duel wielding, you can now duel wield weapons and spells. Why this is good is because when duel wielding spells, it makes them much more powerful if used at the same time.

There's so much more to talk about with this game and this is just the tip of the iceberg, can't wait to see more and of course play. Definite day 1 buy!

Release date:

Pre-order Skryim here:
(360) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(PS3)Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(PC)Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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