Me and the misses have got a laptop which is now dead, unfortunately, it had gone through some rough times and one those is when it had a visitor. A little bug and no, it wasn't software, it was an actual real life bug/insect and what it had done was crawl behind the screen. So, we sat there waiting for it to come out but it never did so what does the misses do, POKE IT, splat. Great, now it's stuck behind the damn screen which later formed a line across the screen.
So, we get onto Dell about using their online chat service with a guy on the other end helping out. This was all good, however, trying to explain what had happened wasn't as easy as it should have been. We kept explaining that it wasn't a bug ON the laptop but a bug behind the screen. He was like 'OK then, let me take over your computer to see what the problem is'. Like an idiot I did, to see what he did, oh that's right nothing. He was even about to open the pictures folder but we hit escape before he did. WHAT an idiot, clearly didn't have a clue what he was doing.
After finally getting him to understand he said 'Oh right, we will send someone out and we'll replace the screen'. THANK FUCK FOR THAT. We got it sent away and about a week later got it back with a surprisingly better screen, nice high definition screen with a glossy finish. Shame I didn't take any pictures. Oh well. At least I'm not the only one.
My advice would be if you've got a bug crawling around behind your screen, don't press on it and someone looking for a laptop to not get one from Dell.
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