Tuesday 19 May 2009

GTAIV SMG Rocket glitch in multiplayer.

I was playing GTAIV Team Deathmatch multiplayer and someone on my team has somehow glitched the SMG to fire rockets instead, it was crazy, the other side didn't stand a chance against this guy with the rain of rockets.

People were like 'WOAH, HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT??!!'. Hopefully, it's fixed because sooner or later multiplayer will be ruined when everyone else finds out how to do it.

It looks very similar to the video below but the video below is a mod for the PC, I was playing the 360 version.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

i wanna know how they do this... ive seen someone online by the name of wild card... it was spelled differently... who had this exact mod only on the 360 version! i can find nothing of it for the 360 version online.. only pc