Thursday 3 September 2009

Ghost Story.

We all ask the question. Do ghost's really exist?

Well, I believe they do because 1 night me and my brother were watching a film called Billy Elliot at around 11:30pm, we were only about 11 and my brother must've been about 9 or 8.

Anyway, we were sitting there on these been bags and on the left there was a table with my empty pint sized plastic cup on it with a few other things. Then all of a sudden at the corner of my eye which I didn't think much of, I saw the cup move just a few centimeters. Now I didn't quite believe this as I was too busy watching this movie but I still had to move it back. Then about 5 minutes later I seen the cup move full on and it moved from the centre, up a little bit then it moved down to the edge of the table. It was barely hanging of.

I looked at my brother who had also seen it too and it looked like he had just seen a ghost. We both looked at each and said, "Did you see that?". I looked at the DVD and TV thinking, should I turn it off, but my first initial thought was, 'fuck it' and we both bombed it upstairs, leaving the TV on which had a coin meter and the DVD.

Now you might be thinking about this and saying 'What bullshit' but trust me and I swear on my mothers life that this is for real and it's defiantly something I will remember for the rest of my life.


Anonymous said...

BullSHIT DipShitHead

Shane Satterfield said...

Gaylo taht right

there said...

lol why did you lol in this stroy why look there wow dude show\