Wednesday 14 May 2008

MMO's and RPG's.

So many bad looking ones and so many good looking ones. A lot of my attention has been on MMO's/RPG's, been hearing quite a lot about them and a lot of them are coming in the future. Some maybe true and some maybe just a rumor.

The ones that caught my eye are:

- Oblivion MMO (Would be fucking awesome)
- Call of Duty MMO (3 words, What the fuck?)
- Hello Kitty MMO (Haha, Oh no)
- Fable 2 (Fable 1 was awesome, so will this one be. Hopefully)

...and i'm sure there will be many more, oh and you can see why I mention some bad ones.

Might start playing Oblivion again because it has to be the best RPG ever. It's just a whole new world with endless randomness from here there and everywhere.

Final word, if anyone's looking for some good live action gameplay then visit here - these guys are really cool.

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